About us

Latvia Fruitgrowers association (LAA), is the leading professional fruit growers NGO , joining more than 80% of Latvia commercial fruit growers.

Established 1998 , today LAA is the member of significant local agricultural organization councils and influencer of national agriculture politics in fruit growing.  Participate in EU agricultural advisory council Copa / Cogeca since 2005. Partner in multiple Latvia state and  international projects .

Our activities

  • Participation in sector policy making
  • Introducing innovations in the fruit growing industry
  • Keep members informed about fruit growing markets and latest industry trends
  • Promote investment in the sector
  • Organize professional training and education for fruit growers

The most significant projects where LAA has been a partner or leading partner

  • SAPARD (2001-2005)
  • Introduction of Integrated fruit farming in Latvia (2005-2008)
  • Fruit for Health. Promotion of healthy and green life style by increasing of fruit consumption per capita (2008-2012)
  • Innofruit ( Interreg Europe ). Establishing of demonstration farm network over Baltic (2016-2018)
  • Innovations for orchards. Testing and implementing the latest horticultural methods in apple orchards and raspberry plantations(2018-2023)
  • ATLAS (HORIZON2020). Introducing methods of Smart agriculture (2019-2023)
  • GreenFit (HORIZON CLIMATE) Green Resilience through Economic Empowerment, Environmental Knowledge, and Future-Proof Digital Infrastructure (2025-2028)

LAA remains open to cooperation in international projects

For cooperation please contact:

Mr. Peter Skrastiņš

t.+371 26356200
