Smiltsērkšķiem veltīta starptautiskā konference 2023.gada maijā Teaslonikos

No 22.05.2023 – 25.05.2023, Grieķijā, Tesalonikos pēc ilga pārtraukuma tiek plānota smiltsērkšķu starptautiskā konference. Darba valoda – angļu. Vairāk informācijas ISA mājaslapā .

Gadījumā, ja ISA lapu nevar atvērt, šeit informācijā no ISA mājaslapas (angļu v.)

The Ninth International SeaBuckthorn Association Conference (ISA-2023)


Thessaloniki, GreeceMay 22-25, 2023

We are glad to inform you that the 9th International Seabuckthorn Association Conference (ISA-2023) will be held in May 22-25 at Thessaloniki, Greece,2023. For the first time in our association history the Conference will take place in Greece – the territorythe origin name of Hippophae came from. Combination of climate conditions and modern approaches in cultivation technologies leads to successful results in seabuckthorn industry in Greece. Within last several years seabuckthorn plantations in Greece rise up from nothing to more than 200 hectares, providing both high productivity and unique palatability.

Organizing committee sincerely invites you to attend the most important event in our seabuckthorn society and meet relevant researches in different fields of activity including breeding, cultivation, processing, pharmacy, marketing etc.

Common information

Hosted by

International Seabuckthorn Association (ISA)

Organized by


University of Thessaly – Agronomic Department


Conference will be held from May 22 to May 25 2023 at Grand Hotel Palace, 305 Monastiriou str., Thessaloniki, Greece. More details about venue at

Central Theme of the Conference

Global Climate Changes and Seabuckthorn

Objectives of the Conference

Ø to share, exchange and update the latest research on seabuckthorn

Ø to promote new knowledge about benefits of seabuckthorn

Ø to develop long term strategies and partnership for scientific and commercial co-operation on seabuckthorn

Main TOPICS of the Conference

Ø gene resources utilization and breeding of seabuckthorn

Ø plantation, cultivation and harvesting technologies of seabuckthorn

Ø nutritional and pharmaceutical application of seabuckthorn

Ø processing and marketing of seabuckthorn

Ø seabuckthorn in soil conservation

Ø international co-operation on seabuckthorn

Conference Language

The official language of the conference will be English.


March 31, 2023Deadline for abstracts submission
April 30, 2023Deadline for registration submission and tour reservation.
May 22-25, 2023Conference
May 22, 2023Registration & Accommodation, Meeting of the organizing committee, ISA Board Meeting
May 23, 2023Opening Ceremony, Keynote Speeches, Technical Session, Reception
May 24, 2023Technical Session, Group Discussions, Closing Ceremony
May 25, 2023Conference Technical Visits
May 26, 2023Post-conference tours


The academic part of the Conference will take place in Thessaloniki. Technical visits will be organized around Thessaloniki. Post-conference tours are planning in several options.


The average air temperature at the end of May in Thessaloniki region is about +25 °C and sometimes it can be rise up to +30 °C. The temperature of the Aegean Sea is about +25 °C. Sunshine largely predominates, but rain may occur.


Local time is Greenwich Mean Time +2 hours.


220 volts, 50 Hz, 2 pin round plugs.

Currency and banking

Local currency is Euro.


Local time is Greenwich Mean Time +2 hours.


220 volts, 50 Hz, 2 pin round plugs.

Currency and banking

Local currency is Euro.


The supermarkets are generally open from 8.00 am to 9.00 pm 7 days a week.


Thessaloniki city has International Airport. To get the Venue Place from the Airport you need to take taxibus № 111.


Conference registration fee rates are as follows:

  • 350 Euro for commercial participants; – 300 Euro for scientific participants;
  • 150 Euro for accompanying persons.

The Conference registration fee is to be paid in cash at the registration deskby bank transfer before the Conference.

Commercial participant* registration fee includes attendance at all scientific program events and displaying their advertising material.

– attendance at the Opening Ceremony;

– attendance at all sessions;

– presentation of advertising material;

– conference banquet;

– conference bag with the conference program, abstract volumes, stationery, etc;

– morning and afternoon tea/coffee;

– audio-visual equipment;

– meeting room rental fees;

– attendance at the technical tours;

– name badge.

* For commercial participant the flexible sponsorship proposal is offered.

Scientific participant registration fee includes attendance at all scientific program events:

– attendance at the Opening Ceremony;

– attendance at all sessions;

– attendance at the technical tours;

– conference banquet;

– conference bag with the conference program, abstract volumes, stationery, etc;

– morning and afternoon tea/coffee;

– audio-visual equipment hire;

– name badge.

Accompanying person registration fee includes:

– conference banquet;

– attendance at the technical tours;

– name badge.

The registration fee does not include the cost of accommodation, meals, and post conference tours.


Deadline for Abstract Submission is March 31, 2023 .

Abstracts should be sending to the Secretariat at the following e-mail:

Notification of acceptance will be sent to authors no later than April 30, 2023. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed, and all the accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Proceedings will be issued as printCD version before the Conference.

The Academic Committee has the right to reject the abstracts that will come after the deadlineis prepared against the rules.

Abstracts must be written in English and not exceed 1 page, being A4 format using 12-point Times New Roman font. Text should be single-spaced with 3 cm from the left margin and 2 cm from other margins and justified.

The title should be centered typed in bold capital letters (14-point Times New Roman font)

Global Climate Chenges and seabuckthorn

Separate title from names of authors by one blank line.

Authors surnames and names should be centered typed in the separate line in bold Italics, and the family name should follow first name.

Yury A. Zubarev1, Joerg-Thomas Moersel2

In the next centered lines, the institutional affiliation(s), city, country, phone and fax of authors should be given as well as any additional information. E-mail address of the author should be in the next line.

1LRIHS Zmeinogorskiy Tract 49, 656045 Barnaul, Russia

2TU Berlin Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin, Germany

Separate names of authors from the text below by one blank line.
Free style of text presentation is acceptable.

Key words are lined at the end with 6-8 words at maximum.

Poster Presentations

Poster presentation should include:

– Title

– Name of authors

– Abstracts

– Subject, i.e. research objective

– Experimental materials and methodology

– Key conclusions

– Major references

Each poster presenter will be provided with one board of each being 90 cm by 120 cm for displaying.


For additional information feel free to contact organizing committee by following links:  – Nikolaos Doukas. – Vasiliki Delitzia – Christina Piperidou